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How-To Geek Forums / Windows XP
(Solved) ~ Human Interface Device troubles
(9 posts)Any Time I try to use a USB mouse with my notebook (IBM Thinkpad T60) it has an error. When I look via the device manager, the following is shown 'Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)'
I have tried installing many different HID drivers but nothing ever works.
I know its not a USB related error because other USB devices work. Its only with HID devices.
Any Ideas how i can solve it? Any help appreciated!!!!
There is something in this article about having to DISABLE the existing internal pointing devices.
Check it out PLUS also your Manual.
Kindest Regards,
Rick P.♦:)
I tried what is said at that link and checked my manual and nothing worked. All the pointing device setting were correct anyway.
I found on some forums about trying to start up in safe mode, uninstalling the driver, then restarting and installing again but that didnt work either.
I'm really frustrated that I can't use a mouse
Yes I know what you mean as when friends bring their Laptops over to the house, I have to use a mouse because of trouble in my right hand.
Have never experienced the problem you are having with the mouse and other HID items but feel sure other members may have a solution.
Sorry I can't help.
Please Post Back with an (OK) so that OTHERS may jump in on the topic and provide an answer.
Kindest Regards,
Rick P.♦:)
steviehouse, hello. Does this happen with *any* USB connected mouse? How many have you tried? Are they wired or wireless mouses?
When you say that you have tried different HID drivers, where are you getting these drivers from? Most HID devices I have ever used just work with Windows using the pre-installed Microsoft drivers and no additional drivers are needed.
Finally, follow the steps in the following article to show hidden devices and delete every hidden (greyed out) device under Mouse and Pointers and Keyboards. Even though the article says 'Vista', it works the same in XP.
Hi Scott,

I have tried both wired and wireless USB mice and none of them work (5 in total).
I am aware that it should work with the pre installed drivers but It didnt so I did searches online for HID drivers and tried some that I could find online.
I have actually solved this problem myself now. :)
I searched in google for 'Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)' and found a number of forums pointing to the Registry Keys.
Gsky Drivers

Gsp Driveshafts
Although the forums were talking about devices other than USB (CD/DVD drives for example) I found repeated comments about UpperFilters and LowerFilters registry values. The forums were saying to delete the UpperFilters and LowerFilters values.
I searched in the Registry for the keys for HID and I found an UpperFilters value. I therefore deleted this value and restarted the computer. Low and Behold, any USB mouse I attached, worked!
Thanks for the possible solutions above.
I had the EXACT same problem (error code 39, tried several mouses, many drivers etc.) : all of a sudden, my old and usual USB mouse stopped functioning on my ThinkPad T60. How weird ?!
I had been unlucky troubleshooting until I read your post, and I confirm it works !! There was one UpperFilters in a HID key, I deleted it, rebooted and it did the trick.
WOW... MANY thanks for the tip.
Coping this from a different post: This solved the issue for me
MycomputerHKEY_Local_MachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlClass-{745A17A0-74D3-11D0-B6FE-00A0C990F57DA}- and I deleted the upperfilter file
Just plugged out and plugged back in the USB for my mouse and it worked!
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