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Behringer U-control Uca202 Driver for Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 10, 8, XP. Uploaded on 4/11/2019, downloaded 3494 times, receiving a 96/100. Check out the How to install Behringer UMC404HD drivers on Windows 10 page at Sweetwater — the world's leading music technology and instrument retailer! China Gunze 100-025 / Gunze 170-3140 / Gunze 170-2971 / Gunze 170-2950 Touch Panel Screen Glass Membrane, Find details and Price about China Gunze 100-025, Gunze 170-3140 from Gunze 100-025 / Gunze 170-3140 / Gunze 170-2971 / Gunze 170-2950 Touch Panel Screen Glass Membrane - Milestone Touch Co., Ltd. We prepared decubitus ulcers on diabetic mice. After debriding the ulcers, we implanted CGSs (diameter 8 mm) impregnated with normal saline solution (NSS) or bFGF solution (7, 14, 28 or 50 µg/cm 2). At 1 and 2 weeks after implantation, the mice were sacrificed and tissue specimens were obtained.
This file documents Gunzets, support software for Gunze touch panelsunder Linux and XFree86.
- General Information:
- Bugs:
- Device Support:
- XFree Configuration:
- Usb Driver:
The package supports Gunze touch panels under Linux and XFree86. Supported panels are the serial, PS/2, and USB devices. The serial andPS/2 devices are supported by means of an X module, xf86Gunze. Supportfor USB comes as a kernel module that emulates the PS/2 protocol, soyou still need the xf86Gunze module.
The latest version of this driver can be downloaded from:
The latest source tree can be accessed from my CVS server, instructionsare available at . The package name to use is gunzets
. The latest CVS snapshotcan also be downloaded from .
The following bugs are currently known:
- Debouncing is only supported for XFree 4.0 (not 3.3.6).
- A bounce event breaks smoothing processing
- Support for multi-screen operation is not supported.
To run the serial or PS/2 devices you only need the information inthis section. To run the USB device you also need to load the kernelmodule, described under See Usb Driver, later in this file.
Support for all three device flavors is implemented by means ofxf86Gunze.c
, a module for XFree86.
The driver has been used under XFree86 version 3.3.6 and version 4.0.1.
In order to use the touch screen in X, you should install in yoursystem the 'xf86Gunze' module, part of this distribution.
The compiled module (
for XFree86 3.3 orgunze_drv.o
for XFree86 4.0) should go in the moduledirectory of your X server, usually /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
forXFree86 3.3 or /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input
for XFree86 4.0. When the file is in place, a proper XF86Config
will arrange forits loading.
In order to compile the module for different version of the XFree86systems you need access the source tree and compile using therecommands:
The 'location of source' above should be the full path name to thedirectory called 'xc' after you uncompress the source tar file.
can be definedin your environment. Also, calling make
without arguments willcompile both modules.
Gunze Mice & Touchpads Driver Windows 7
To compile gunzets you'll most likely need to compile X first(by issuing make World
and waiting a huge lot of time). A freshlyuncompressed source tree lacks the proper header files for compilationto succeed; since one of the errors happens inside an X header, youcan only fix it by compiling X first).
- XFree 3.3:
- XFree 4.0:
- Generic X Configuration:
- Text Console:
- Calibration:
- XFree Tools:
Gunze Mice & Touchpads Drivers

XFree 3.3
In order to use a Gunze device with XFree 3.3 you need to add thefollowing two sections to your XF86Config
(the example below showsall the options available for the module, but most of them areoptional, see below for details):
The meaning of the individual options is the following:
DeviceName 'touchscreen'
- The device name is an identifier string chosen by the user. It is mandatory.
Port '/dev/ttyS0'
- The hardware channel used to read input data. The line ismandatory. It can be a serial port, a PS/2 port (
)or the USB entry point (/dev/gunzets
). DeviceType Serial
- Optional specification of the device type. It is used toselect the protocol used by the port. Possible values are(case-insensitive): 'serial', 'ps2' (or 'ps/2') and 'usb'. Ifthe information is not present in the configuration file, thefile name is used to guess the device type. Such guess willwork under Linux but may fail under other operating systems.
Speed 9600
- Speed of the serial connection. Only used for serial devices,the value defaults to 9600. Only valid values are 9600 and19200.
CalibrationFile '/etc/gunzets.calib'
- Optional specification of the calibration file. The default is
as shown. The format of the calibrationfile is specified later in this documents. Smoothness 9
- The smoothness value is used to smooth out movements. It isonly meaningful for motion and drag events. Allowed values arein the range 0 to 50. If you want to do handwriting, you'll needto disable smoothness processing (i.e., set it to 0).
TappingDelay 0
- Optional selection of tapping mode. By default (tapping delay set to 0), any touchevent is reported as a button press. In tapping mode the firsttouch event is used to move the pointer, and button press isonly reported when the user taps on the device. If the delay,measured in milliseconds, between pen-up and pen-down is greaterthan the selected value, the pen-down even is considered motion. I personallyprefer tapping mode when testing the device, as it allows meto use the common point-and-click semantics instead ofclick-only; this is especially true if your touchscreen is notplaced over the image but in side of it (as you guess, I do that).
DebugLevel 0
- Any debug level greater than 0 tells the driver to spitinformative messages. The greater the number, the higher themessage rate. Messages go to the usual X error channel(stderr, normally connected to the text console used to fireX).
- The boolean option states whether your panelreports data with 12 bits of resolution (i.e., as numbersin the 0-4095 range). The default, when no option isspecified, is 10 bits (0-1023). 12-bit support is implemented by discarding the lowest two bits,and has been contributed by Atsushi Nemoto.
- The input device is a 'core' input device (like the mainpointer device - the mouse or equivalent). If the directiveis not specified, the touch screen acts as an auxiliary inputdevice, and applications may individually request to use it.
XFree 4.0
In order to use a Gunze device with XFree 4.0 you need to add anInputDevice
section to your XF86Config
. The following example showshow it looks like. The options that are shown commented are notimplemented in this version of the module, and are ignoredif specified.
Moreover, you need to add an InputDevice
line in theServerLayout
section. After the addition,the section will most likely look like this:
Note that if your system has no mouse device, you can removethe InputDevice 'Mouse1'
line and add 'CorePointer'
to the touch screen line.
The meaning of individual options is as follows:
Identifier 'Touchscreen0'
- The identifier string is mandatory, and appears, literally, inthe
directive within theServerLayout
section that is usually found at the end of the configuration file. Driver 'gunze'
- The name of the driver is mandatory. It is used to load theassociated module. In this case the file
. Option 'Device' '/dev/ttyS0'
- The device name is mandatory. It states where input data iscollected from. It can be a serial port, a ps2 port or theUSB device created by the
device driver. Option 'DeviceType' 'serial'
- The device type specification is not currently supported. Ifthe option is present it is ignored. The actual device type isretrieved from the device name: any device name thatincludes the string 'tty' is assumed to be a serial port,other devices are assumed to speak the PS/2 protocol.
Option 'BaudRate' '9600'
- The transmission rate for serial ports. It defaults to 9600and is ignored for non-serial input devices.
Option 'CalibrationFile' '/etc/gunzets.calib'
- The option is not currently implemented.
Option 'Smoothness' '9'
- The smoothness of the pointer. The default value is 9. The greaterthe value the smoother the motion. If you need to do handwritingor similar 'fast' interaction, you should set the smoothness to 0.
Option 'TappingDelay' '0'
- Optional selection of tapping mode. By default (tapping delay set to 0), any touchevent is reported as a button press. In tapping mode the firsttouch event is used to move the pointer, and button press isonly reported when the user taps on the device. If the delay,measured in milliseconds, between pen-up and pen-down is greaterthan the selected value, the pen-down even is considered motion. I personallyprefer tapping mode when testing the device, as it allows meto use the common point-and-click semantics instead ofclick-only; this is especially true if your touchscreen is notplaced over the image but in side of it (as you guess, I do that).
Option 'JitterDelay' '50'
- The debouncing time lapse, measured in milliseconds. If a pen-down event occurs immediately after pen-up (within thistime lapse), then both events are discarded. Debouncing hasbeen contributed by Chris Howe <>, and defaultsto 50ms.
Option 'DebugLevel' '0'
- The level of messages spit out by the driver. The directiveis optional and it defaults to 0.
Option 'Res12Bit' 'False'
- The boolean option states whether your panelreports data with 12 bits of resolution (i.e., as numbersin the 0-4095 range). The default is 10 bits (0-1023). 12-bit support is implemented by discarding the lowest two bits,and has been contributed by Atsushi Nemoto.
Option 'SendCoreEvents'
- The directive instructs X to use the touch screen as a coreinput device (like the main mouse). This module can currentlyonly work as a core device.
Generic X Configuration
Please note that with both version 3.3 and 4.0 of XFree you can stilluse a normal mouse together with the touch panel. While XFree 4.0can use the touch screen as its only pointer device, version 3.3of the X server can't do that. If you have no other pointer and don't want X to choke on theconfiguration file, you can use a trick like this one:
Where /dev/fifo
is just a plain unused fifo ('mknod /dev/fifo p')
If, when calling startx
, it fails with a message ofInvalid Subsection Name
, please check the previous errorlines, as they explain what is wrong. They usually look like:
The messages are pretty clear, if your are careful in reading them (I amnot that careful, and lose half an hour in trying to figure out whatwas wrong).
Node:Text Console,Next:Calibration,Previous:Generic X Configuration,Up:XFree ConfigurationText Console
Use of the touch screen on the text console is not supported, and Idon't think it ever will (although I made it work under gpm some timeago, I no longer maintain gpm).
Node:Calibration,Next:XFree Tools,Previous:Text Console,Up:XFree ConfigurationCalibration
To calibrate the touch panel, run the gunzets_calib
script, under X. It has been tested with both XFree86 version 3.3.6 and version 4.0. To calibrate pass the device name on the command line of the program:
The program needs to find gunzets_control in the command search path(it uses the control program to turn off the touchscreen in X, so thecalibrator can read input data).
In order to calibrate you'll need to move the mouse pointer first. Youcan do that with the warp
command (see below) if no other pointeris available on the system. While I could use the touch panel to thisaim, and delay turning it off, I didn't think of it and don't want tore-test it all. The next release will be better in this respect (too).
XFree Tools
The package includes two tools that work by connecting with the X server:
- The program accepts
asargument. It turns the touchscreen off, turns it on, or reportsinformation about active input devices. The program needs toconnect to an X server. warp
- The program moves the mouse pointer. It can be used to movethe mouse when there is no active mouse. It accepts a seriesof letters on the command line: each uppercase N, S, W, Emoves the pointer by 100 pixels to the north, south, west,east. Each lowercase n, s, w, e moves the pointer by 10pixels.
This driver has been developed and tested with Linux-2.4.0 and workswith Linux-2.2.18 as well.
Input data is made available through an entry point in /dev (usingdevfs if available) (FIXME: devfs support is not yet implemented) orthrough the input engine (the input.o module) (FIXME: input support isnot yet implemented). By default it uses its own /dev entry point,dynamically allocated from the misc device driver.
- Quick Start:
- Compiling and loading:
- Unloading:
- Installing:
- Accessing data:
- Usb Calibration:
Quick Start
If all of your modules are in place, you can just invoke
and read the section about X support, above.
If you want to use the input mechanism (currently unimplemented), adduse_input=1
to the gunzets_load command line.
Compiling and loading
In order to successfully load the module you need to have thefollowing facilities compiled in your kernel or loaded as modules:
- usb generic support (
) - a usb host controller driver (
) - support for misc devices like the ps2 mouse (misc.o)
- the input mechanism (input.o)
To compile the driver just make
. If your 2.4 or 2.2 kernel headersare not available from /usr/src/linux/include
then specify KERNELDIRto point to your kernel source directory, either on the make commandline or in the environment. For example:

To load the driver, use insmod:
To use the input mechanism, specify it on the command line:
To automatically create the entry point in /dev
(needed if you are notusing the input mechanism) run the gunzets_load script instead:
You can unload the module only after disconnecting the touch panel,otherwise the rmmod program will return 'Device Busy' even if noapplication is using the pane, because the USB mechanism is using it.
Node:Installing,Next:Accessing data,Previous:Unloading,Up:Usb DriverInstalling
To install the module to the proper places you can run makeinstall
. You may also wish to copy gunzets_load
to /etc/rc.d/init.d
or /etc/init.d
and create a proper symbolic link for automatic load at boot.
Accessing data
Data read from the touch screen is available as raw data returnedin PS/2 format in the file /dev/gunzets
. You can use the sameXFree driver described above for serial and PS/2 devices withthis driver.

Usb Calibration
To calibrate the touch panel, run the 'gunzets_calib' script, under X. See Calibration.
- XFree Configuration
- Usb Driver
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German Air ForceWW I, WW II and Modern Colours
Examples of World War II camouflage schemes as prescribed by RLM:
Pre-war splinter scheme | 61/62/63over 65 |
Very early fighter biplanes, experimental aircraft | 63 overall |
Two-green splinter scheme - all aircraft except seaplanes until the nedof 1939, later mostly bombers, transports and ground attack a/c | 70/71 over 65 |
Sea scheme - seaplanes | 72/73 over 65 |
Fighters, until ca. end of 1939 | 70/71 over 65 |
Fighters, French campaign and Battle of Britain | many different, but often70/02 over 65 |
Standard two-tone grey scheme, fighters 1941-1944 | 74/75 over 76 |
3-tone desert scheme - aircraft of the African campaign | 79/80 over 78 |
2-tone 'Tunisian' desert scheme | 79(brown) over 78 |
Late-war schemes, fighters, 1944-1945 | many different combinations of colours from the80-series, i.e.81/82 over 76,82/83 over 76,81/82 over'84',82/83 over '84', etc. |
Nightfighter scheme | 75/76 |
Publications helpful for assembling RLM part of the chart heve beenTheOfficial Monogram Panting Guide to German Aircraft 1939-45 andLate-WarLuftwaffe Fighter Camouflage by Brett Green published at
Examples of post-war camouflage schemes
Sabre CL13B Mk.5 1957- | Green/Dk grey/Lt blue |
Sabre CL13B Mk.6, F-84F, F-86K, Fiat G-91, Alpha Jet 1960's- | RAL 6014/7012/7001 |
F-104F/G, F-4F 1972- | RAL 6014/7012/9006 |
RF-4E, F-104G late, Tornado | RAL 6003/7021/FS.34079 overall |
F-4F 1980 standard A Top: | RAL 7012/7037/7009 Under: 7036/7001(later 7030) |
F-4F 1980 standard B Top: | RAL 7012/7039/7009/7037 Under:7030/7035 |
F-4F 1990 standard Top: | RAL Top:7000/7001 Under: FS.35237/36375 |
Alpha Jet standard 1983 | RAL 7021/FS.34079 overall |
MiG-29 | FS.35237/36320/36375 Nose cone close to RAL 7012 |
Early tranports | RAL 6014/7012/7001 |
C-160 Transall, Do 28 | RAL 6014/7012/9006/2005 |
C-160, Do 28 modern | RAL 7021/6003/FS.34079 overall |
1914-1918 | |||||||||
Colour name | Comment | FS | Humbrol | Tamiya | Xtracolor | Polly S | Revell | Gunze Sangyo | Model Master |
Dunkelgrün | Topside colour, used until ca. 1917 | Hu:30 | X:X241 | ||||||
Rotbraun | Topside colour, used until ca. 1917 | Hu:160 | |||||||
Dunkelviolett | Topside colour, used until ca. 1917 | Hu:107 | X:X242 | ||||||
Olivegrün | Topside colour on Fokker aircraft | Hu:108 | |||||||
Blau | Topside colour | Hu:109 | |||||||
Graublau | Sea aircraft | Hu:87 | |||||||
Graubrun | Sea aircraft | Hu:98 | |||||||
Grauviolett | Sea aircraft | 4*Hu:25 + 2*Hu:153 + 3*Hu:64 | |||||||
Blau | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | 2*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:25 | |||||||
Grün | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | Hu:80 | |||||||
Lichtbraun | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | Hu:119 | |||||||
Lichtgrün | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | Hu:90 | |||||||
Gelbbraun | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | Hu:62 | |||||||
Graublau | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | 5*Hu:28 + 1*Hu:25 | |||||||
Dunkelviolett | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | 8*Hu:98 + 2*Hu:10 + 2*Hu:107 | |||||||
Lichtblau | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | 4*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:25 | |||||||
Graugrün | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | Hu:95 | |||||||
Graublau | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | 7*Hu:28 + 1*Hu:153 + 1*Hu:64 | |||||||
Gelb | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | Hu:103 | |||||||
Licht graublau | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | 7*Hu:28 + 1*Hu:25 | |||||||
Grauviolett | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | 6*Hu:34 + 4*Hu:25 + 2*Hu:153 + 2*Hu:64 | |||||||
Rose | Printed fabric 'polygon' pattern | 5*Hu:28 + 1*Hu:153 | |||||||
Underside blue | X:X243 | ||||||||
1935-1945, RLMStandard | |||||||||
Colour name | Comment | FS | Humbrol | Tamiya | Xtracolor | Polly S | Revell | Gunze Sangyo | Model Master |
RLM 01 Silber | FS:17178 | Hu:191 | X:X216 | ||||||
RLM 02 Grau | Interior colour, alos used as overall colour on prototypes | FS:34159(36165, 24226) | 34*Hu:29 + 13*Hu:25 + 12*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:82 (4*Hu:168 + 1*Hu:75 + 1*Hu:92 +1*Hu:10, Hu:92) | 1*T:XF-22 + 1*T:XF-49 (T:XF-22) | X:X201 | P:PCG83 | GS:H70 | ||
RLM 04 Gelb | Identification markings | FS:33538 | Hu:154 | X:X213 (markings) | GS:H413 | ||||
RLM 05 Elfenbein | FS:33798 (33618) | ||||||||
RLM 09 Gelbgrün | |||||||||
RLM 21 Weiss | Markings / winter camouflage | FS:37886 (37880,37875) | 6*Hu:34 + 4*Hu:41 | ||||||
RLM 22 Schwarz | Markings / night camouflage | FS:37038 | Hu:33 | ||||||
RLM 23 Rot | Markings | FS:31304(31302) | X:X217 | GS:H414 | |||||
RLM 24 Dunkelblau | Markings | FS:35053 | X:X218 | ||||||
RLM 25 Hellgrün | FS:34090 (34241) | ||||||||
RLM 26 Braun | FS:30109 | ||||||||
RLM 27 Gelb | Markings | FS:33637 (33655,33591) | |||||||
RLM 61 Dunkelbraun | Pre-war splinter scheme | FS:30040 (30109,30117) | 29*Hu:60 + 9*Hu:99 + 7*Hu:33 + 4*Hu:34 (8*Hu:10 + 2*Hu:33) | T:X-09+black | X:X219 | GS:H406 | |||
RLM 62 Grün | Pre-war splinter scheme | FS:34159(34128) | 6*Hu:76 + 2*Hu:151 | T:XF-65 | X:X220 | P:PCG706 | |||
RLM 63 Hellgrau | Pre-war splinter scheme. Also used for overall shcemes. Some sources claimthat this and RLM 02 are the same colour | FS:36375 (36373, 36314) | 5*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:156 + 1*Hu:64 | T:XF-25 | X:X221 | P:PCG711 | |||
RLM 65 Hellblau | Lower surfaces | FS:35352(35414, 25526) | 1*Hu:115 + 1*Hu:34 (Hu:65) | T:XF-23 | X:X202 | P:PCG701 | GS:H67 | ||
RLM 66 Schwartzgrau | Cockpit interiors from mid-war onwards | FS:37030 (36081) | Hu:92 (Hu:32) | X:X203 | GS:H416 | ||||
RLM 70 Schwartzgrun | Wartime splinter scheme | FS:34052(34050) | 25*Hu:2 + 14*Hu:34 + 12*Hu:60 + 9*Hu:15 (Hu:91, 5*Hu:75 + 1*Hu:91 +1*Hu:108) | 1*T:XF-62 + 1*T:XF-49 (T:XF-27, T:XF-13) | X:X204 | P:PCG86 | GS:H65 | ||
RLM 71 Dunkelgrun | Wartime splinter scheme | FS:34083(34079, 34102) | Hu:116 (Hu:30) | T:XF-61 | X:X205 | P:PCG87 | GS:H64 | ||
RLM 72 Grun | Wartime splinter scheme on sea aircraft | FS:37030(34056) | 6*Hu:91 + 2*Hu:189 + 1*Hu:3 | X:X222 | |||||
RLM 73 Grun | Wartime splinter scheme on sea aircraft | FS:36081 (34092) | Hu:149 | X:X223 (X:X129) | |||||
RLM 74 Graugrün | Top camouflage on fighter aircraft from 1941. Also referred to asDunkelgrau. | FS:36081(36086) | Hu:108 (91*Hu:27 + 2*Hu:29 + 1*Hu:34 + 1*Hu:109, Hu:27) | 7*T:XF-27 + 3*T:XF-19 | X:X206 (X:X129) | P:PCG84 | 9*GS:H68 + 1*GS:H64 (GS:H068) | ||
RLM 75 Grauviolett | Top camouflage on fighter aircraft from 1941. Also referred to asMittelgrau. | FS:26132(26122) | 16*Hu:34 + 7*Hu:33 + 3*Hu:70 + 2*Hu:29 (4*Hu:106 + 1*Hu:98) | T:XF-54+51? | X:X207 (X:X390) | P:PCG707 | GS:H69 + a hint of red (GS:H069) | ||
RLM 76 Lichtblau | Lower surfaces on fighter a/c. Also used extensively for night fighters | FS:36473,(35622, 35414) | 60*Hu:103 + 6*Hu:25 + 1*Hu:34 (175, 2*Hu:76 + 1*Hu:34, 1*Hu:87 + 1*Hu:34) | 6*T:XF-23 + 4*T:XF-2 | X:X208 | P:PCG88 | 1*GS:H67 + 1*GS:H332 (H417, 1*GS:H314 + 1*GS:H334) | ||
RLM 77 Lichtgrau | FS:36493 | 9*Hu:34 + 2*Hu:28 + 1*Hu:156 | X:X214 | P:PCG85? | |||||
RLM 78 Himmelblau | Lower surfaces of mediterranean schem. | FS:35352(35414) | 67*Hu:34 + 10*Hu:109 + 4*Hu:94 + 1*Hu:25 (5*Hu:4 + 3*Hu:115 + 3*Hu:65) | X:X214 | P:PCG85? | GS:H418 | |||
RLM 79 Sandbraun | Mediterranean scheme | FS:33448 (33434) | 40*Hu:24 + 37*Hu:73 + 17*Hu:150 (4*Hu:154 + 3*Hu:94 + 1*Hu:34) | X:X209 | P:PCG708 | ||||
RLM 79a Sandgelb | Another variant of RLM 79 | FS:30219(30215) | Hu:62 | X:X224 | GS:H66 | ||||
RLM 80 Olivegrün | Blotches in mediterranean scheme | FS:34079 (34052) | 14*Hu:80 + 3*Hu:25 + 2*Hu:33 + 1*Hu:34 (3*Hu:91 + 2*Hu:75 + 2*Hu:108) | T:XF-58? | X:X215 | P:PCG709 | GS:H420 | ||
RLM 81 Braunviolett | Late-war topside camouflage | FS:30045(34087, 30118, 34088) | 3*Hu:150 + 2*Hu:33 (3*Hu:163 + 4*Hu:108 + 3*Hu:33, 85%*Hu:173 + 9%*Hu:153 + 6%*Hu:85, Hu:155) | T:XF-62?/13? | X:X210 | GS:H421 (GS:H304) | |||
RLM 82 Lichtgrün | Late-war topside camouflage. Often confused with 83 | FS:34096 | 6*Hu:116 + 6*Hu:177 + 1*Hu:163 (105) | T:XF-27?/61? | X:X212 | GS:H422 | |||
RLM 83 Dunkelgrün | Late-war topside camouflage. Often confused with 82 | FS:34138,34083 | 66*Hu:3 + 26*Hu:15 + 5*Hu:60 + 1*Hu:24 (Hu:116, 4*Hu:117 + 1*Hu:81) | T:XF-26 | X:X211 | P:PF51 | GS:H423 | ||
RLM '84' (?) Yellow-Green | Used towards end of the war. Designation RLM 84 is speculatory. | FS:34554 | |||||||
Light Green-Grey | Used towards end of the war on lower surfaces of fighter a/c | FS:34583(34672) | T:XF-21 | X:X007 | GS:H74 | ||||
Red Primer | Primer colour | FS:31310 | |||||||
1956- | |||||||||
Colour name | Comment | FS | Humbrol | Tamiya | Xtracolor | Polly S | Revell | Gunze Sangyo | Model Master |
RAL 1002 Sandgelb | FS:10260 | Rev:11 Sand yellow | |||||||
RAL 1007 Chrome Yellow | FS:33538 | Hu:188/154 Insignia yellow | |||||||
RAL 1026 | Hu:194 | Rev:312 Fluorescent yellow | |||||||
RAL 1028 | Hu:197 | Rev:310 Lufthansa yellow | |||||||
RAL 2004 | Hu:18 | Rev:30 Orange | |||||||
RAL 2005 Leuchtorange | Hu:192 Dayglo orange? | X:X253 | |||||||
RAL 3000 | Bright red | FS:21105 | Hu:60(19) | Rev:330 | |||||
RAL 3004 | Hu:20/107 | Rev:331 Crimson | |||||||
RAL 3022 Salmon pink | |||||||||
RAL 3026 | Hu:209 | Rev:332 Fire orange | |||||||
RAL 5008 Graublau | X:X264 | Rev:351 | |||||||
RAL 5013 | Hu:198 | Rev:350 Lufthansa blue | |||||||
RAL 5014 Pigeon blue | FS:35488 | Hu:157 | |||||||
RAL 6003 Olivegrun | FS:34102 | Hu:86 | X:X261 | Rev:361 | |||||
RAL 6014 Gelboliv | FS:24064 | Hu:155 | X:X251 | ||||||
RAL 6020 Chrome green | FS:34079 | Hu:116(195) | Rev:363 Dark Green | ||||||
RAL 7000 Squirrel grey | FS:35237 | Hu:145 | Rev:57 Medium Grey | ||||||
RAL 7001 Silbergrau | FS:36375 | Hu:64/127 | X:X255 | Rev:374 | |||||
RAL 7005 Mouse grey | Hu:140 | Rev:47 | |||||||
RAL 7009 Grungrau | Hu:(116)91 | X:X256 | Rev:67 | ||||||
RAL 7011 Iron grey | FS:36118 | Hu:125 | |||||||
RAL 7012 Basaltgrau | FS:26152 | Hu:(27)79 | X:X254 | Rev:77 | |||||
RAL 7013 Brown grey | Hu:98 | Rev:46 | |||||||
RAL 7021 Schwartzgrun | X:X262 | Rev:9 | |||||||
RAL 7023 Dunkelgrau | Hu:141 Concrete grey | X:X263 | |||||||
RAL 7030 Steingrau | X:X257 | Rev:75(162) | |||||||
RAL 7031 | Hu:27 | Rev:79 Sea Grey | |||||||
RAL 7032 Pebble grey | FS:36408 | Rev:70 | |||||||
RAL 7035 Lichtgrau | FS:35630 | Hu:196 | X:X260 | Rev:371 | |||||
RAL 7037 Staubraun | Hu:106 | X:X258 | |||||||
RAL 7038 Agate grey | Hu:183 | Rev:372 | |||||||
RAL 7039 Qaurzgrau | Hu:92 | X:X259 | |||||||
RAL 7042 Traffic grey A | FS:36270 | Hu:167 | |||||||
RAL 8017 | Brown | Hu:10 | |||||||
RAL 8023 | Leather brown | Hu:62 | Rev:85 | ||||||
RAL 9001 Cream | FS:37886 | Hu:34 | X:X252 | Rev:5 | |||||
RAL 9005 Jet black | FS:37038 | Hu:21/85 | Rev:7 | ||||||
RAL 9006 White aluminium | FS:17178 | Hu:56 | |||||||
RAL 9010 | Hu:22/130 | Rev:4 White (gloss?) | |||||||
RAL 9011 | Hu:33 | Rev:8 Black (matt?) |
| |